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NordicTrack C2500 Treadmill
Replacement Model Available
Although the NordicTrack Commercial 1500 is out of manufacture and can't be purchased from the official website, it is still available through these links at discount price, at Amazon and Sears... NordicTrack has launched a new treadmill series. Here are our reviews on the new NordicTrack treadmill models.
NordicTrack C2500 Treadmill Review
Along with the smaller C2155, the NordicTrack C2500 was a brand new treadmill for 2008. The differences between these two models are in their strenght, and measurement. For details see comparioson chart below. Like mentioned C2155, the NordicTrack C2500 also comes with iFIT® Workout Card Technology which actually control the speed, incline, and duration of your workout. The NordicTrack C2500 treadmill is equiped with powerful 2.5 commercial-grade motor which is backed by a lifetime warranty. Employing an internal fan, this motor reduces noise as it cools internal components, plus extends the motor's life.
The NordicTrack C2500's hi-resolution Grafixx display allows you to see your preferred workout information, such as calories, distance or elapsed time, at nearly 2" tall. This console is also equiped with the Interplay Universal iPod Dock, which connects your iPod directly to the treadmill's console, via a special cable, allowing you to play all your favorite music through two premium speakers. The NordicTrack C 2500 Treadmill comes with 16 iFIT® weight loss and classic workouts designed by a certified personal trainer. With the iFIT® fitness journal, you can track your progress, while generating daily, weekly, monthly and yearly workout totals. It is also comes with an interesting motivated feature - a virtual competitor. With competition training you can go head to head with a virtual competitor, allowing you to get in shape while experiencing the thrill of victory. This model is designed in SpaceSaver® design which allows you to fold-up your treadmill when it is not in use.
Where to buy NordicTrack treadmills on sale?
Although you can buy NordicTrack treadmills through several websites and online retailers, prices are different between them. Also, prices vary depending on the season, country, etc. For example, if you live in the UK the best place to purchase NordicTrack treadmill is the NordicTrack official website. If you live in the USA, a better place would be Sears.
Another great place offering affordable prices and great customer support is Amazon.
The NordicTrack UK treadmill line is on sale right now
- The NordicTrack treadmills are on sale right now