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Our top choices of the best treadmills for 2024, based on price, durability, features and consumer feedbacks.
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Smooth 8.35 Treadmill Review
Smooth 8.35 vs Sole F85
The Smooth 8.35 is out of manufacture. We recommend you to consider some of the proven, top brands instead, including Horizon Fitness, as well as Bowflex.
The Smooth 8.35 was the biggest and strongest folding treadmill by SmoothFitness. Placed at the top of their product line, this feature loaded high-end machine is the most expensive folding treadmill by Smooth Fitness. It is designed for serious runners. It comes with 20" x 62" treadbelt which offers plenty of room, long enough even for taller users who have longer strides. Its walking surface is one of the most spacious and most comfortable you'll find at the price point. The Smooth Fitness 8.35 directly competes with the best seller by Sole Fitness - the F85 (and the HealthRider H190t which is not as popular as these two models, although it is an excellent treadmill too). We believe that it would be more useful for readers to compare the two treadmills, rather than having to read a long and boring review about Smooth 8.35. So you will get an overview of the similarities and differences between them. As you can see the comparison has resulted in a dead heat. While the Sole F85 is equipped with a more powerful motor, the Smooth 8.35 has a longer running surface, more programs and it is backed by better warranty. Moreover, the computer console of the Smooth 8.35 supports MySmooth - a tablet based virtual fitness trainer (for more information visit official website). A final decision about your purchase, basically boils down to choosing a treadmill whose appearance you prefer more.
Where to buy Smooth Fitness treadmills on sale?
Judging by product features, reviews and opinions, the new Smooth Fitness is not at the same, high-grade level, compared to the old models. We suggest you to consider some of the proven-quality brands, instead. We recommend you to check out Horizon Fitness, as well as Bowflex. However, if you want to give Smooth Fitness a try, it would be better to go with the older models. Some of them are still availabe on Amazon.
SmoothFitness is out of business
- The 8.35 has been discontinued