Best Buy Picks
Our top choices of the best treadmills for 2024, based on price, durability, features and consumer feedbacks.
Reviews by Price
Best Under-Desk Treadmill
Under $500
Designed for small spaces, perfect walking pad for home & office

P1 Treadmill Key Specs:
- User Capacity:220lbs
- Walking Area:16.5 x 47"
- Motor:Brush
- Speed:0.5 - 6 kph
- Incline/Decline:N/A
- Dimensions:56.5x21x5"
- Design Type:Double Folding
- Folded:32.5x21x5"
SAVE BIG on WalkingPad products (click to activate the offer).
The WalkingPad P1 is considered as the best compact treadmill for small spaces. Not only it is small enough to be used conveniently under a desk, but also it can be folded up for 180 degrees, greatly reducing the occupied area. Moreover with a basic price under $500 this walking machine wouldn't break your budget (plus, it's even under $400 with our coupon code).
WalkingPad P1 Under-Desk Treadmill Review
WalkingPad P1 is designed specifically for under-the-desk use. Since there are no handlebar which would interfere under-table use anyway, the engineers wisely figured out a way to still include the active screen and controls right in front of you. The P1 treadmill comes with the display screen on the remote control. Also it supports KS Fit app for both iOS and Android, so you can pair it with your smartphone.

Maybe you can find a bigger under-desk treadmill with larger running area and ultra poweful motor, but not within this price range. This is the best choice for such a type of machine for under $500. And why to pay for features you won’t use? You certainly won't use this machine for hard running while working at your home office desk. If you still want to jog in your free time, you have the option to purchase handrails designed specifically for the WalkingPad P1. If you love to run and need more speed, but still want an under-desk type of treadmill, you might want to consider the WalkingPad R2 as well.
In addition to the P1's beautiful modern appearance, its biggest advantage over the competition is its unique folding design. It can be easily set up in the office and folded under the desk, taking up less than 0.5㎡ of space. Or it can be stored upright, occupying even less room!
The frame has built-in wheels so you can easily move the treadmill from your office to living room to just walk while watching TV.
Where to buy Walking Pad treadmills?
As we said above, the P1 basic price si already under $500 ($499). With our $100 savings coupon approved by the official website you can buy the P1 for a ridiculous $399. This is the best deal you can get.
Additionally, the company offers 14-day price protection. This means if an item you bought on the official website can be found for a lower cost anywhere in your country, they will give you a refund for the difference in price. Also, if you order directly, in addition to the best buying conditions, you'll get free shipping within 48 business hours!
If you prefer, you can also buy WalkingPad treadmill on Amazon. In that case, there is no valid coupon code.
The WalkingPad treadmill line is on sale right now
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